Now, the liturgies here may not have been as grand, or well planned as in Notre Dame, nor the homilies very insightful, but it was absolutely perfect for me. The church in South Sudan is very young, so the foundation is still being set. Many people would call themselves Catholic, but most of them would not be able to tell you why they are Catholic, or what it means to be Catholic. Thus, it is very hard for them to see the true mystery and love that we celebrate during Holy Week and Easter. It is hard for them to plan a huge celebration or a grandiose liturgy when they do not understand why that is necessary. Because of this, the liturgies were very simple and almost like any other mass. It really was a change of pace for me, but perfect nonetheless.
One of the things that really struck me that week happened during the Easter Vigil Mass. Actually, it wasn’t even during mass, but after mass. The mass started earlier than usual, at 7:00 PM because if it ends too late it becomes too dangerous for people to walk back to their homes. The candles were handed out at the soccer field, and we all processed to the church with these candles that were lit from the new Easter Candle, just like at home. In the middle of mass I got up and walked out of the church to take some pictures. I found so many people gathering right outside of the church! There were more people outside than inside! They were there, gathering together, not really paying attention to what was going on in the church. There were kids playing and people socializing. It was kind of strange to me, but the people had come not necessarily for the mass, but to gather together at night and socialize and play together. Although this is not ideal Church behavior, it made me think that the Church, especially during Easter, is a time to unite all people. It should not matter who the people are; all should be welcomed. So especially in South Sudan where people have been fighting for so many years, and violence was a part of their culture, it was great to see that during Easter, many people got to come together and be united, even if they were not necessarily there for the liturgy.
The people emerging from the church, using the light of Christ to guide them home. |
So the vigil mass went on maybe until 10:00 PM. Of course, the sun had already gone down. Like I have already written about in my previous blog post, people here do not have electricity and so they have no light. So at 10:00 PM it was pitch black and the people had to find their way home through uneven dirt roads. Then, an amazing thing happened. They took the candles they had received from the beginning of mass and lit them. They used this light to illuminate the darkness and guide them on their journey home. It was such a beautiful image to see hundreds of lit candles emerging from the church. It was as though they were taking the light of God that they had received at Church and using it to accompany them through the darkness back to their homes. Many of us receive the light of Christ at Church, but just leave it there because there is no use for it outside. Although a lot of the world has lit streets and an abundance of light, much of our lives are still filled with darkness. Maybe it is this abundance of artificial light that causes us to think that we don’t need the light of Christ. There are so many other things that seem to light up our lives in our modern society such as science or money or social norms. These things are not bad, but we cannot allow them to lead our lives so much that it overpowers the light of Christ. When all these “artificial” lights are taken away and we are just left in the darkness, we should still be familiar enough with the light of Christ to guide us.
Sharing Christ's light |
Our entire lives are filled with darkness where we can’t even see what is ahead of us. I don’t even know what I will be doing tomorrow, or next week or next year! I have no idea where I will be in 5 years, and if you had asked me 5 years ago where I would be right now, South Sudan probably would not have even made the list. Our lives are filled with so much darkness that most of the time we can’t even see what is one step ahead of us. However, just like the people coming out of Easter Vigil mass, we can use the light of Christ that we receive in mass to guide and illuminate our lives. Most of our lives will still be in the dark, but this light will allow us to see the right path. We could either fumble around in the dark, tripping on stray branches or twisting our ankles on the uneven ground, or we can use the light of Christ to illuminate our lives and guide us away from things that will hurt us and onto the right path.
Not only did they use the light of Christ that they received through the resurrection to guide them home, but in doing so they also brought Christ into their homes. How often do we go to church and just leave the church without getting anything out of it? So many of us go to church and are not changed in any way by it. We tend to think that God is for church, and has no business in our homes or everyday lives. However, this has challenged me to bring the light of God that I receive at Church home with me. It challenges me to let the light of God shine forth through me in my everyday life.
There is a story that comes from ND Vision about a little boy who asked his father who the people in the stained glass windows were. The father tells the boy that they are the saints. Months later, when the child is in Sunday school and the teacher asks “Who are the saints?” the little boy responds, “The saints are the ones that the light shines through.” All of the saints let Christ’s light illuminate their lives. They took the light of Christ and used it to guide them on their journey through the darkness that is life. They took home God’s light and let it overtake and consume their lives. The saints received the light of Christ and let it shine forth in their lives. Our challenge is to allow God to do the same with us.
Palm Sunday
Thanks for the Holy Week coverage, the great pictures, and your reflections on your experience, Kevin. God bless you and all the folks at Gumbo!
ReplyDeleteHey Kevin! Praying for you and thinking of the work you are doing as I read updates the humanitarian crisis in South Sudan for my work. Met with four men from South Sudan the other day and my heart really ached after hearing about the ongoing struggle for many people. Sending my love to those you encounter.